dossier_022 - Agenzia Immobiliare Studio James di Anna Maria Sanguineti

di dott. .Anna Maria Sanguineti
Agenzia Immobiliare
Studio James
P.I.00143300994 C.F.SNGNMR55C51D969L R.E.A.n.266762
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W H E R E is located area
Dossier 022  
There are locations that seems incredible.
This is very close to Via Aurelia (main state road), but You can not hear its noise, it remains silent.
In front of the one-room apartment an expanse of sea, but not a flat and shapeless sea, which joins the sky almost with indifference … a spectacular view that embraces the Tigullio Gulf  from Sestri Levante, through Lavagna and Chiavari and get to Portofino.
Sea, panorama, olive grove = an healthy lung made up of tranquility, clean air, sun and nature.
Everything in front of a large wall window.
This one-room apartment, sold furnished, has been structured in a rational and pleasant way, with a small kitchenette (but also complete with oven and washing machine), large wardrobes and bathroom with window.
The exposure is south so it is sunny all day long and has an awning to be shaded in summer.
Independent heating system with natural gas boiler - energy class G ipe 160,36 kWh m2 per year.
Located on the top floor of a condominium, for a very good Ligurian situation, it has extremely convenient access.
This small apartment, 35 sq.m., higher than normal height, even if reduced by wooden decks, has always been very well maintained.
Located on the first hill between Chiavari and Zoagli, 3 km away from both, it is in S. Andrea di Rovereto hamlet, under the Via Aurelia main road.
There are some condominium parking spaces and public parking spaces nearby, but there is no exclusive private parking.
A bus service connects this residential area to all the major towns of the Tigullio Gulf, from Santa Margherita Ligure to Sestri Levante and over - Chiavari - - Zoagli - -  Rapallo -  Another line connects Rovereto district to Chiavari.
In the hillside hamlets, if You like taking a walk, you can reach a mini-market -  that also does home delivery service - with tobacconist, newsagent, a bar and a trattoria.
Two minutes near to Chiavari motorways exit.

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