dossier 0_Rapallo_casa - Agenzia Immobiliare Studio James

di dott. .Anna Maria Sanguineti
Agenzia Immobiliare
Studio James
P.I.00143300994 C.F.SNGNMR55C51D969L R.E.A.n.266762
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dossier 0_Rapallo_casa

area D O V E si trova

Dossier 018  This property is an independent old Genoese house, in Rapallo central area, composed by two apartments, some cellars/storage rooms and a nice garden.

It is set in the urban zone as an island, a short walk from Chile public square on a flat, comfortable, very well served area, not far from historical centre.
Seaside with a beautiful promenade that runs alongside, some bathing establishments and the tourist harboour are not far away.
These two apartments have a rectangular plan with south and its garden main exposure.
Top floor apartment is composed by a central living, from which you access to three bedrooms and to an habitable kitchen, a bathroom - approx.sqm. 104 ommercial gross - and two balconies + cellars / storerooms of approx. 45 sqm. + garden of approx. 50 sqm..
Individual heating system - energetic class  G ipe 235,67 kWh / m2 year.
First floor apartment is composed by a central living, from which you access to three rooms, to an habitable kitchen, to a bathroom with storage room - approx.sqm. 104 ommercial gross -and a terrace  + cellars / storerooms of approx. 72 sqm. + garden of approx. 200 sqm.
Individual heating system - energetic class G ipe 296,56 kWh / m2 year.
This bifamiliar house is in good structural conditions, but systems and interiors are to be upgraded.
In Rapallo you can find all kinds of services, shops, fun, can wish and for this property everything is easily reached.
Rapallo offers a beautiful sea promenade, an historical vital center which it is also an outdoor shopping mall, bathing structures, a well known tourist harbour, a 18 holes Golf Course and many other structures and useful initiatives both for residents both for who stay there only temporarily.
Rapallo could be left for wonderful excursions by foot, by train, by bus, by car, by cable car, by bicycle and, if You like, You can make immersions in Portofino Sea Natural Park.
You can also have pleasant trips by boat both to Portofino both to S.Fruttuoso or around Tigullio Gulf or towards Cinque Terre area.  .... in this way You can reach many tourist attraction areas both natural and panoramic, both historical and folkloristic where you can find ancient traditional crafts, very good food and much more ...... and the taste of their discovery will have no equal.

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